Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Family Fun in Sunny Salina, Kansas, 2006.

These photos are pretty old, but they could be the most interesting ones I've ever taken on a family adventure. Middle America...gotta love it.

It's a 14 hour drive to Salina, Kansas, people. We must make our own fun by whatever means are available. This game was called "How Many Cinnamon Teddy Grahams Will Stick to My Face at One Time??" I think I could have pushed for 20...

This place was called Rock City...not to be confused with the Rock City you see painted on barns all across the South. There was an enormous field in the middle of a Kansas (imagine that) filled with dozens of giant boulders that looked just like this one. Pretty...creepy. Come out, come out, little alien babies!!

I love an introspective vandal. This is the power of Rock City, my friends.


I'm not one of those girls who sits around talking about her cycle, her uncontrollable mood swings, or how much she craves chocolate over sex. In fact, I'm generally not even a fan of chocolate. And conversations like that make me feel too much like a bored suburban stereotype of a "woman" instead of a young, funky 30-something "girl".

But yesterday, my status as a "woman" smacked me right in the face when I went to the local Publix and somewhat subconsciously picked up these two items...and only these two items. When I became aware of the fact I was standing knee-deep in a pile of my own cliche, I took this picture with my camera phone.