Several things "of note" happened in the canine world today. Firstly, my favorite great dane puppy, Oscar, came in to board with his new little brother Augustus. Mmmmmm. LOVE me some Oscar puppy! Augustus is a tiiiiny Australian Shepherd with a perfect black spot over his left eye. Shut up. I'll try to grab a pic after work today.
Secondly, Black Dog just made a noise that was an exact impression of R2D2's "worried boop" -as featured most prominently in the presence of Sand People or the depths of Jabba's palace. For a second, I honestly expected to turn around and find her patching into the control panel of our 1950sbrickrancher-slash-imperialdeathfortress to run some diagnostics.
Third and finally, I actually caught Brown Dog watching The Colbert Report on the MacBook tonight. At first I suspected she was drawn in by its razor-sharp wit and keen social and political commentary. But after closer observation, I discovered she was keeping a close eye on the latest Threatdown, as she too lists bears among her most mortal enemies
Also, did Miley Cyrus get veneers?? Suddenly her lips don't seem big enough to reach around her teeth...
1 comment:
Well, according to one of Miley's latest Twitters, she's trying to wear her retainer more often. I'm betting she has one of those Invisaligns.
No, I'm not ashamed to have this information.
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